Marigold Fyhrie, AKA The Reverent Marigold is a Kalamazoo, MI based musician, ceramic artist, ex-engineer, current home-scientist, and overall fool for most things. Her current work works with themes of queer faith, trans identity, grief, nature, and the divine - seeking to find the threads which connect everything to everything else.
Drawing on her background in Materials Science Research her process is experimental and exploratory, the metaphorical equivalent of first-principles metallurgy. Her music blends the two musical traditions she is a part of: American/Scottish Traditional Folk and Trans Woman Synthesizer Madness. Her ceramic work seeks to push the physical boundaries of the medium (to greater and less success).
When not sculpting or singing, her pet projects are recreating a late 19th century plastic made from blood and sawdust at home (see BLOOD PLASTIC) and writing a play/manifesto/cult about Our Lady of the Rotting Kelp: Wrack.
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